David Wright
David Wright has over 35 years of experience in airborne, ground, and marine geophysics. During his career he has traveled extensively to diverse locations ranging from north of the arctic circle in Norway, to the jungles of Brazil, Malaysia and Indonesia. He has performed bathymetric surveys delineating Canada’s fabled Northwest Passage, looked for gold mines on the island of Kalimantan (formerly Borneo), surveyed abandoned Red Army bases in former East Germany, and searched for diamond bearing kimberlite pipes in northern Arizona.
Mr. Wright has spent the last 17 years adapting geophysical techniques to the unexploded ordnance (UXO) detection/discrimination problem faced by communities expanding into formerly used defence sites. During this time he played a lead technical role in the development and demonstration of unique subsurface detection and discrimination technologies for the U.S. Department of Defence. During this time he played a lead technical role in the development and demonstration of the original NRL airborne MTADS UXO detection system; developed the first dual mode, Mag/EM hand-held sensor; and was instrumental in the design and successful demonstration the AETC Marine Towed Array (MTA) underwater UXO detection system. The former two projects won project of the year awards for their respective sponsors.
Most recently, Mr. Wright has been active in the development and application of Advanced Geophysical Classification (AGC) technology for munitions response. He participated in the development of the AGC specific Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) template and led the first commercial AGC project to use this QAPP at San Luis Obispo, CA. Mr. Wright is one of a very small number of approved technical assessors available to the ABs responsible for performing assessments under the Department of Defense AGC Accreditation Program (DAGCAP). As the principal of AGCPro LLC, Mr Wright provides expert consulting services for all aspects of AGC and munitions response geophysical services in general.
David Wright, Principal of AGCPro Consulting
Selected Publications
Holladay, J.S., Wright, D., Crutchlow M., Koudys, A. A quantitative comparison of the through-ice bathymetry system vs. launch-borne bathymetry data near Coppermine N.W.T. :U.S. Hydrographic Conference, Norfolk, Virginia April 1994
St. Jaques, D., Crutchlow, M., Holladay, J.S., and Wright, D. Towed in-flight bathymetry system: Hydro ‘96 in Rotterdam, Netherlands September 1996.
Wright, D., Goody, N., and Won, I.J. GEM-2A broadband airborne EM System: SAGEEP 2000, Arlington, Virginia February 2000.
Keiswetter, D., Wright, D., Miller, J., and Bell, T., 2001, Feature-based discrimination of UXO/Clutter using broadband electromagnetic induction examples: US Department of Defense UXO Forum 2001.
Wright, D., Keiswetter, D., 2001, Advances in processing techniques for frequency domain electromagnetic induction data to improve detection of UXO-like material in adverse geologic conditions: US Department of Defense UXO Forum 2001.
Wright, D., McDonald, J., Khadr, N., Nelson, H., 2002, Dynamic sensor positioning in three dimensions on an airborne platform: US Department of Defense UXO Forum 2002.
Baranyi, E., Godwin, L., Wright, D., The intelligent application of filters to geophysical data: US Department of Defense UXO Forum 2002.
McDonald, J., Wright, D., Khadr, N., Nelson, H., UXO survey and remediation demonstration using the airborne MTADS: US Department of Defense UXO Forum 2002.
Wright, D., McDonald, J., Khadr, N., Nelson, H., A direct comparison of airborne and ground magnetometer array data collected over a seeded UXO site: SAGEEP 2003, San Antonio, TX, April 2003.
Wright, D., Kingdon, J., Development of a combined EMI/Magnetometer sensor for UXO: SAGEEP 2004, St Louis, MS, April 2004.
McDonald, J., Wright, D., Khadr, N., and Nelson, H., “Airborne MTADS demonstration at the Aberdeen Proving Ground, July 2002, NRL/PU/6110-03- XXX McDonald, J., Wright, D., Khadr, N., and Nelson, H., “Airborne MTADS demonstration on the impact area of the Badlands Bombing Range, September 2001,” NRL/PU/6110-- 02-453.
Wright, D., Bennett, H., Kingdon, J., Simultaneous deployment of a total field magnetometer and EMI sensor for UXO: SERDP and ESTCP's Partners in Environmental Technology Technical Symposium & Workshop, Washington, DC, November 2005.
Wright, D., Billings, S., Derivation of target density estimates from helicopter-borne magnetometry for wide area assessments: UXO/Countermine Forum, Las Vegas NV, July 2006.
Bassani, C., Wright, D., Khadr, K. McDonald, J., Positioning of a towed sensor array in the shallow marine environment: UXO/Countermine Forum, Las Vegas NV, July 2006.
Foley, J., Wright, D., Fonda, R., helicopter magnetometry characterization - integrated technology for WAA: UXO/Countermine Forum, Las Vegas NV, July 2006.
McDonald,J., Bassani, C., Wright, D., A shallow water detection system: UXO/Countermine Forum, Las Vegas, NV, July 2006.
Wright, D., Billings, S., “Helimag 101” - A Physics-based Discussion of the Utility and Limitations of Helicopter-Borne Magnetometry: UXO/Countermine Forum 2007, Orlando FL, July 2007.
Wright, D., Bennett, H., Ballard, J., Fields, M., DeMoss, T., Butler, D., Portable Magnetic/Frequency Domain Electromagnetic Induction Sensor System Development, Journal of Environmental & Engineering Geophysics; September 2008; v. 13; issue. p. 237-245.
Billings, S., Wright, D., Optimal total-field magnetometer configuration for near-surface applications The Leading Edge; May 2009; v. 28; no. 5; p. 522-527.
Billings, S., Wright, D., Interpretation of high-resolution low-altitude helicopter magnetometer surveys over sites contaminated with unexploded ordnance Journal of Applied Geophysics; September 2010, APPGEO-01886.
Wright, D., Quality Management for Advanced Classification. NOAC annual meeting, San Antonio, November 2013.
Wright, D., Walker, E., Advanced Classification at Former Camp San Luis Obispo, Military Munitions Support Services (M2S2) Webinar, February 2015.
Wright, D.,., Advanced Geophysical Classification Lessons Learned at Former Camp San Luis Obispo, California, SERDP & ESTCP Webinar Series, November 2015.
Barner, M., Wright, D., Live Site Demonstration Results at Tobyhanna Army Depot, Pennsylvania. Military Munitions Support Services (M2S2) Webinar, April 2016.